How Much Protein Do I Need for Fat Loss?

Sure, Rocky downed the raw eggs. So gross! We hear that the Rock has had eggs, bison, as well as chicken by 10am. Protein products aren’t just in the health food stores and sites, they’ve gone mainstream. You can even find protein water!

With all this hype, how important IS protein for fat loss and weight management? how much protein do you really need? How can you increase protein in your diet?

How Does Protein Help Fat Loss?

Knowing the benefits of protein for fat loss and weight management is very empowering. Who doesn’t want to make weight loss a bit easier? Who doesn’t want to reap the most benefits out of their strength workouts. Bring on those strong legs and toned arms!

When losing weight, we will lose muscle as well as fat unless we are actively working to keep our muscle mass. Protein is the macronutrient needed to build muscles and make them stronger. Protein is used to build and repair the lean tissue we do have whether it is organs, bones, or muscle. Given that we lose 3%-8% of our muscle each decade after the age of thirty, and that this rate only increases after the age of 60, you need to nourish and protect your muscle mass as much as possible. Resistance training is also needed to build and hang on to the muscles we have. The protein you eat supplies the raw material necessary to reap the effects of your training. If the look you are striving for is being leaner and with muscle tone, eating enough protein is an absolute must.

Another huge bonus of eating sufficient protein, is the fact that protein fills you up more than carbohydrates and fats. Prioritizing protein in your meals will help you feel full for longer. Hunger is unavoidable in a calorie deficit. Protein is a great weapon to reduce that hunger. Reducing hunger makes your nutrition easier and more sustainable for the long haul. You are more likely to make an impulsive choice that was not part of your nutrition plan when your hunger gets out of your control. This easily can result in going out of your calorie deficit or not eating foods that make you feel great.

Here’s one example. Avocado toast tastes amazing and is full of nutrients, however, it’s not high in protein. You will likely feel full and for longer after eating about the same number of calories by swapping your avocado toast for scrambled eggs and toast.

Why does protein fill you up more? One of the reasons is protein releases more ghrelin, which is the hormone that tells us we are full. Increasing your ghrelin will help you feel more satiated and  give you more time before those hunger cues kick in.

 Avocado Toast2 slices breadAvocadoScrambled Eggs2 whole eggs½ c. egg whites1 slice whole wheat bread
Calories300 calories287 calories
Protein9.2 g22 g
Carbs and Fats33g carbs/ 16g fat12g carbs/10g fat

Another way protein helps with fat loss is its thermic effect. Our bodies use calories to break down and use all foods. Yup, eating actually helps you burn calories! Protein takes the greatest amount of energy to digest and be synthesized by the body. To break down and use the olive oil in your salad dressing (or another source of fat), your body uses 3% of the calories from the oil breaking down and processing the fat. How about that bagel? For carbohydrates 5%-10% of the calories are used for digestion and putting that energy to use. Now let’s look at that chicken breast that is pure protein. 20% up to 30% of the calories in that lean meat are used up digesting and using that protein to build and strengthen your muscles. Don’t you love a good “sale”? This is like finding that cute new top that really flatters you on sale when you most need it. What a deal!

So, How Much Protein is Recommended?

We’ve clarified how protein can help support your weight loss goals. Now you’re likely wondering how much protein you should be eating. If you are looking at the bare minimum amount of protein or how much protein you need to not be deficient, the number you’re looking at is about .36g per pound of lean body mass. It’s easiest to use what you consider your ideal or goal weight for this number. It’s not exact, but it is close enough to calculate your range. Remember, this is just the amount needed to not be deficient though. To calculate this number, just take that weight and multiply by .36 and your answer is the MINIMUM amount of protein you must have every day before your body finds the protein it needs from other sources, such as your muscles. If you continue to eat below this minimum amount your strength, muscle mass, and balance will decline, and these are just some of the detrimental results you will notice. I’m guessing you’re more interested in how much protein you should be eating to help you lose weight. You want the OPTIMAL amount of protein for fat loss, and to change your body composition. When you are losing weight and working to maintain or even build muscle (Newbie gains can happen in a calorie deficit.), you should set your protein target at .7g to 1.5g per pound of lean mass. Shout out to Precision Nutrition, a respected and credible certification program for nutrition coaches, for these numbers. These are the numbers I have heard from my coaches and mentors as well as those up on the best nutrition and fitness research. See the chart for a more detailed breakdown of recommendations based on goals.

What if you’re a long way from these recommended amounts? If you’re closer to the minimum amounts, you don’t have to jump to the highest, optimal range right away. Simply start where you are and aim to add more protein for the next week. See how you feel. Notice any changes to your hunger, sleep, and workouts. Increase your protein again the next week an amount that feels reasonable to you, say 20g-30g at a time. Rinse. Lather. Repeat. How are your other body composition trending? Have your measurements changed, or do your clothes feel different? Can you see any differences in those progress photos you’re taking every four weeks? Once you find a daily total that feels great to you physically and supports your goals, you have your range.

Calories or Protein?

About now, you might be wondering which is most important for you to hit your protein target or stay in your calorie range? If losing weight is your main goal, staying in a calorie deficit is your first priority. Stay in your calorie range first-that’s your maximum calories.  Your protein range is a minimum. Do not think you should go over your calories to hit the protein minimum. If you’re short one day, simply take a look at your choices. What swaps can you make to increase your protein tomorrow? No sweat. You’ll continue to refine your food choices.

How Do I Fit in All That Protein?

There are many tools and strategies you can use to increase your daily protein intake. It may seem overwhelming at first, but just like anything else, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Choose two or three of the tips below to implement today to begin increasing your protein intake:

  • Aim for 25g-30g of protein for each meal. Also have at least one snack that is mainly protein.
  • Increase your protein easily by eating bigger portions of the protein sources you are already eating. Instead of 4 oz. of chicken make it 6 oz.  Add a half cup of egg whites to your two scrambled eggs.
  • Write down your go to protein sources, along with their calories and protein amounts. As you plan your food for the day, this will make it easier to choose the foods that help you hit your targets. Add to the list as you go, keeping your eyes out for recipes and products to add to your list.
  • Open your mind to trying new foods. That pasta with protein really does taste just as good. Dried soybeans add a great crunch to salads. You won’t miss the mayonnaise when you replace most of it with Greek yogurt and add some spices. Blending cottage cheese for a dessert like snack (Cottage cheese is NOT a dessert, but it can be versatile and very enjoyable.), throw in some protein powder to your yogurt for even more protein.
  • Speaking of protein powder, yet it is a safe way to boost your protein. There are many great brands out there. You may have to experiment with a few before you find one that tastes great to you.

Knowledge that you execute is truly powerful. You are more powerful than you realize. Claim that power! I am rooting for you and can’t wait to hear about your victories!

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